Choices at 14 

Starting work may seem a long way off, but the subjects you study now can make a real difference to your future.

GCSEs are the main qualifications that young people do in key stage 4 (usually this is in Year 10 and Year 11 but some schools start in Year 9).

Some schools offer vocational qualifications alongside GCSEs.

Vocational qualifications offer a mix of practical and theoretical learning that is directly related to a specific area of employment.

These work-related courses can be a good option if you have a job sector in mind or if you would like to gain employability skills linked to a particular type of work.

Why not try this free online course - Preparing for the Future 

Choosing your GCSE options

How do you decide which subjects to study for your GCSEs? This short video shows clips of people reflecting on making their choices.

To help you choose, you might like to do a test to find out more about what is important to you, before you make decisions about GCSEs.