Logistics & Supply Chain
What is it?
Logistics is management of the movement and supply of things. The stages and organisations involved in moving goods from raw materials, via manufacturing processes, to the delivery of finished product to companies and consumers is called the supply chain.
The UK’s logistics sector contributes an estimated £100bn to the economy. Employment within the sector is around 2.5 million people in the UK, about 8% of the workforce and growing faster than most other sectors.
Given our area’s strategic location, we have several important distribution centres including Marston Gate, Stratton Business Park and Woodside Industrial Estate alongside proposals for new rail freight hubs.
The sector is modernising and employing new technologies to meet rising demand and supply challenges, especially automation. There is an increasing demand for skilled employees in electrical and mechanical engineering, IT and analytics.
See how important logistics is to us here:
Logistics Occupations
Myth busting
“It’s all about trucks and sheds.”
- No it’s not. The occupations within logistics include management, customer service, IT, accountancy, personnel, automation, sales and marketing.
“It’s for men only.”
- Women account for 22% of the logistics workforce in the UK and it is increasing.
“It is a low skilled, low paid industry.”
- Over 50% of the occupations in the sector in the South East Midlands are either professional or skilled roles earning high salaries.
Prospects for the future
With the increase in e-commerce, the logistics sector is growing fast with jobs available for people with the right skills, training and attitudes.
The number of logistics sector businesses based in the Central Bedfordshire increased by 140 from 2014 to 2018 135 of the new businesses had fewer than 10 employees.
Over 97% of the employers are small or micro businesses:
Business Size (Employees) - Proportion
In 2017, 78,000 people were employed in the logistics sector in the South East Midlands area. This number increased by 19,000 from 2014 to 2017. See examples of careers in logistics here.
Examples of large logistics businesses based in the South East Midlands:
The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport are located in Corby.
The Royal Logistics Corp offers great opportunities for a career both in the Army and later in civilian life.
The impact of automated solutions and digital technology on the logistics sector will increase in the future. This is already influencing the type of jobs and skills that employers require.
Brexit and high demand in Europe has magnified a shortage of Heavy Goods Vehicle drivers. New apprenticeships have been introduced to help address this skills shortage.
The increase of online shopping, the way we now request delivery when we want it and products/services specific will require the logistics sector to work differently, using technology and data to become more efficient and responsive.
Current increases in shortages of applicants include:
Find out more about what career opportunities and earning potential the logistics sector can provide at Careers in Logistics and Prospects.
The opportunities within the logistics sector are increasing with employers stating that they have low number of applicants generally and a low number with the required skills compared to other sectors. Employers place emphasis people having the right attitude, motivation and personality.
What skills do I need?
Qualifications on their own will not be sufficient to secure a job. Employers also look for:
Core competencies - communication, confidence, initiative, planning and organisational, problem solving, resilience, teamwork and basic digital literacy (Excel spreadsheets, Word processing)
Basic skills - maths and English
Key employability skills - those specific to a job, technical/practical skills and customer service
Experience - gain some work experience whilst in education, this may included volunteering
Have a look at Life Skills to help prepare you for making the first step into a career.
How do I get there?
There are many pathways into a career in logistics including the traditional academic routes.
Local further and higher education providers and courses:
Further Education
Apprenticeships - Apprenticeships combine practical training in a job with study. Find out more here. For lorry driving apprenticeships look here.
Traineeship - Traineeships are designed help young people who want to get an apprenticeship or job but don’t yet have appropriate skills or experience. More information can be found here.
Higher Education
University of Bedfordshire
University of Northampton
The Open University
Useful websites and social media
Prospects – Logistics and Transport: Information on jobs, work experience and pathways
Youth Employment: Careers in logistics and pathways
NOVUS: Business Degree supported by the logistics sector