Additional support
The following definitions may be helpful:
Disability Definition: A person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities.
Learning Difficulty Definition: A person has a learning difficulty or disability if they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age.
Special Educational Needs (SEN): A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.
Post 16 Pathways
Most young people who have learning difficulties or disabilities will be able to take up a course at school or college as these providers will be able to provide additional support needed to learn. Most colleges also offer specialist entry level supported learning courses that focus on developing basic skills and life skills.
Other options that may be available to those with Education Health and Care Plans, dependent on need, are bespoke mixed packages of education and care, more specialist independent provision and supported internships. Our Youth Support Service can give information on post 16 options for those with plans.
There are also providers that offer informal environments and smaller groups. They often combine life skills with vocational qualifications. Local providers include:
Other providers may offer specialist environments for those with more complex health and learning difficulties
Other useful resources include Preparing for Adulthood’s Routes into Work Guide. Please click on the image to download a copy.
Find out about working with a Job Coach by clicking the image to download information.
Supported Internships are education study programmes that base most of the learning in an employment setting. They offer a bridge between education and employment for young people with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities whom have an Education, Health and Care Plan. A Supported Internship can last from 6 months to one year, during which time the young person will be supported by a job coach in an employment setting to build up skills and confidence. The employability learning will be reinforced in the classroom. By the end of an internship it is anticipated that the young person will be able to function in the workplace without the job coach. Host employers are encouraged to offer paid roles or guaranteed interviews where possible. Locally in Central Bedfordshire, we work mostly with Central Bedfordshire College and Bedford College to deliver internships. Download our handy guide by clicking on the image.
Central Bedfordshire College Adventurers – Supported Interns experience:
You will need to be 16 – 25 year old and have an Education, Health and Care Plan to access an internship. Find out more on the UCAS website.
Download an easy read guide about Supported Internships.
Employment Support
The department for Work and Pensions have local job centres where there are dedicated work coaches who can support those with additional needs find work
Access to Work funding can help you get or stay in work if you have a physical or mental health condition or disability.
The support you get will depend on your needs. Through Access to Work, you can apply for:
a grant to help pay for practical support with your work
support with managing your mental health at work
money to pay for communication support at job interviews
Support & Advice Services
Central Bedfordshire’s Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice & Support Service (SENDIASS) provides FREE impartial & confidential information, advice and support for parents/carers, children and young people (0 to 25 years) in relation to Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) in an educational setting.
The Disability Advice Service available through the Disability Resource Centre provides up-to-date information and advice to people of any age and with any disability, older people, their families, carers, friends and associated professionals throughout Bedfordshire and Luton.
For information about community support, education and work:
For information about benefits, employment, work support etc.
Get help at work if you’re disabled or have a health condition: